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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Yan Luis Gomez Padilla

Yan Luis Gomez Padilla is a very smiley boy.  He is 5 yrs old, and was born 10 Dec 2004.  He has a little brother, Alfred, that is 2 and a half yrs old.  He lives with his mother Yareny Carolina Gomez Padilla.  Yareny is a single mother and is without work at present.  When she is working she cleans houses.

Yan Luis goes to school in the afternoons for 3 hours.  He is in the pre school class. Yan Luis’s mother walks him and his little brother 45 minutes to get to school every afternoon.  He is in good health.

Yan Luis’s house is in good shape.  It is painted very nicely. Yareny pays 1,000 RD (28.00 US) for rent.